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  • Development History  Home> Development History
    The old name of Zhejiang Hexing shipyard is Wenling Hexing ship repair factory, which is a joint-equity cooperative enterprise. The shipyard had an area of 150 acreages at the beginning of establishment, wih the increase of business and the innovation of technology , the yard’s scale is enlarging and comprehensive strength is enhancing constantly. After years of hard work and dedication of all employees, the shipyard seized the rare opportunities for its development and made an unprecedented advance, and remarked Zhejiang Hexing shipyard decisively in July 2006. From then on, Zhejiang Hexing shipyard wings and begins to sail. With scientific management and advanced technique, the yard achieved ISO9001 and received the approval from China Classification Society(CCS), BV in France, Lloyd’s Register of Shipping(LR)and RI in Italy etc.. The reputation of the company and the quality of ship have won a high praise from customers at home and abroad .
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